Compliance Information

We are members of the following organisations to ensure we operate to the best practice standards expected by our industry regulators:

The Property Redress Scheme (Registration Number: PRS011741)

Membership of The Property Ombudsman means that we have the following in place to protect you as a tenant/landlord:

  • A complaints process.
  • Professional indemnity insurance (we are covered for £1m per claim).
  • Client Money Protection insurance.

Click here to find out more about this on the PRS website


Client Money Protect (Membership Number: CMP010008)

Client money protection is a form of insurance that protects landlords’ and tenants’ money held by an agent they use and provides compensation if the client money is misappropriated.


Coventry Landlord Accreditation Scheme (Membership Number: LN/222000648)

CLAS is a free, voluntary scheme that private residential Landlords and Letting Agents are encouraged to join.

The aims of the scheme are to improve the condition and management of the private rented sector in Coventry. We will encourage, acknowledge and actively promote good standards of privately rented accommodation with the aim of assisting Landlords, Letting Agents and tenants to undertake their respective responsibilities to each other.

Click here to download our certificate


National Residential Landlord’s Association (Membership Number 1131919)

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) is the UK’s largest membership organisation for private residential landlords in England and Wales, supporting and representing over 100,000 members.

As the home for landlords, the NRLA offers a vast range of expertise, resources, and exclusive member benefits and savings, designed to help and empower members, as well as playing a pivotal role in campaigning and championing the interests of landlords.


The UK Association of Letting Agents (Registration Number: 179695)

UKALA’s aims are two-fold. They are dedicated to representing the interests of letting and management agents in the UK, whilst also safeguarding the interests of both landlords and tenants. To assist these aims, in 2011 UKALA signed a mutually beneficial business agreement with the NLA, the leading association for private residential-landlords in the UK. This coming together represents an important and progressive step towards a unified voice for landlords and letting agents in the sector.


Information Commissioner’s Office (Reference: A8293879)

The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

We take the protection of personal data very seriously and as such, are registered with the ICO as a “data controller”.


Waste Carrier Licence (Registration number: CBDL462447)

A lower tier waste carrier, broker and dealer.


Accredited Living Wage Employer

By paying the real Living Wage, employers are voluntarily taking a stand to ensure their employees can earn a wage which is enough to live on.